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The R-Bus 2 and Vicente Palmero bring smiles to the kids of Proyecto Juntos

For years, Niviuk pilot Vicente Palmero has been collaborating with Proyecto Juntos (a Spanish association that improves the quality of life of hospitalised children and their families) by offering tandem paramotor flights to youngsters.

The R-Bus 2 and Vicente Palmero bring smiles to the kids of Proyecto Juntos

One of the organisation's initiatives is called "The Warrior's Rest", where several families with long-term hospitalised children are invited to spend five days in Ibiza and exchange their hospital beds for a fun environment. The children, their parents and siblings recharge their batteries on the island and enjoy a well-deserved break. 

This therapy project aims to fill them with positive memories, offering moments of relaxation and distraction through humour and fantasy. And also through new experiences, as one of the activities provided is to be able to enjoy a flight across the island on board the R-Bus 2.

The R-Bus 2 and Vicente Palmero bring smiles to the kids of Proyecto Juntos

"When the association’s founder, Carlos Ramón, explained the project to me, I didn't hesitate to make all my work tools and experience available so that children, parents and siblings could enjoy a flight in a place as beautiful as Ibiza", explains Vicente. 

"It is very gratifying and comforting to see the smiles, to feel their hugs and to be able to contribute to their good memories during these days of rest. This was the sixth time and I hope for many more to come," says Vicente, hoping to repeat this experience again next year. 

The R-Bus 2 and Vicente Palmero bring smiles to the kids of Proyecto Juntos
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